Despite this, I still need to address this nibbling, annoyance in my mind that I can't shake. Therefore, I'm writing this blog post in the hope that once I've got this off my chest it will diminish from 2018 (you know, new year new me and all that shit).
One of my achievements this year was finishing University and finally graduating after 4 struggling years (I'd be lying if I said it was a breeze, even studying Events Management which people think is a doddle). But why is it that I still beat myself up about not having this 'perfect career', if that even exists.
Social Media. The route of all evil. Don't get me wrong I am addicted to Instagram and I find it quite refreshing to express myself and my outfits on my own platform that I can control. However, I can't help but compare myself to others, which I'm sure so many of you can relate too. I am 23 years old (which is still pretty young, though the undercarriage of the eyes say different), yet I'm scrolling through Instagram admiring people my age who have their own house, own a bloody 4 by 4 and casually purchase a Gucci bag whilst shopping (things I can't even see myself owning in 10 years).
Now some of you may be thinking she's just being a green eyed monster, but that is where you are wrong. I completely and utterly admire these people because the majority of these individuals have worked damn hard for what they've got and if anything it motivates me to do better. But I can't help but kick myself into thinking that's where I should be at my age, when I shouldn't be.
Today we get so mixed up in this unrealistic world of social media, that we forget we only see the staged side of peoples lives (I'm definitely guilty for this). Yet, we have no idea what else is going on in their life, for all we know the dream job you think they have could be absolute hell on earth for them.
I can't help but feel that we now live in a fast paced world where everyone is rushing to get married, have a family, settle in their perfect job, own a house. But life is not a race and we should be living in every moment, not fast forwarding time to get to these stages. Every experience creates a learning curve, creating a life which is different for everyone and that is something that should be EMBRACED. Because let's face it life would be pretty damn boring if everybody was the same.
So for 2018 I am going to focus on this quote that I scrolled upon which really made me rethink a few thing, it quotes:
"Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married or own a house as if life was some kind of grocery list. But no one ever asks if you are happy." - Heath Ledger
Think about it. Does any of this stuff really matter? Because at the end of the day don't we all just want to be happy?
CP x
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